Finance and Operations

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The operational health of a school district is often overlooked and undervalued, yet we know it is critical to the success of any organization – including schools. PartnerED Consultants offers operational analysis and support, including examining workflow processes and financial systems. Our intention is to support districts of all sizes individually, or in small groups, by providing customized services to fill the gaps in your current school system, improving effectiveness and efficiency in all areas.

Effective Resource Management

  • Analyze, provide feedback and share recommendations for the financial health of your district.
  • Assess current strategies to improve financial stability in order to support your goals.
  • Design solutions to maximize team performance and budget efficiency.

Budget Assessment

  • Facilitate professional development in the area of school finance.
  • Review and update business calendar and timelines.
  • Analyze and assess the budget process and associated timelines.
  • Recommend budget processes for annual budget development, including parameter setting and potential committee work.
  • Project student counts based on historical trends.
  • Project salaries for all classes of employees.
  • Analyze and make recommendations regarding levy planning, certification, and associated communication strategies.

Financial Analysis | Operational Costs | Negotiations Planning

  • Complete strategic assessment of current operational costs across the organization. – Segmented assessment by student or square foot available.
  • Project future fund balance.
  • Analyze financial trends.
  • Assist with salaries through negotiations process.

Personalized Services

  • Align long-term financial planning with long-term maintenance.
  • Customize assistance for audits, truth in taxation, annual meetings, and other services as requested.
  • Interim support as needed.
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Here for your unique needs.